The Anstruther to Pittenweem Multi Use Path

Local users of mobility scooters, skate boarders, bikers, and dog walkers welcome the improvements of shared use paths through Anstruther. This latest section is on land generously donated by Mr W. Wilson. Plans are underway to extend this path past the Coop to lead on up to Waid Academy and beyond. Eventually there will be a choice of paths linking Anstruther with Pittenweem for all to enjoy. This project is being carried out by Fife Council with support from the Scottish Government and Sustrans, working in conjunction with subgroups of both the Community
Councils of the Royal Burghs of Anstruther, Kilrenny and Cellardyke and Pittenweem.

Fife Council wants to know what you think about the designs for a shared multi-use path between Anstruther and Pittenweem.
This community -led initiative to encourage active travel, linking shops, schools and places of interest whilst providing a safe walking, cycling and wheeling route to Waid Academy.
There are two possible options that will connect the communities with a safe traffic-free route for all.
Both Routes will provide good quality and safe 3-3.5 metre wide tarmac tracks with reflectors and solar powered studs for night journeys.
Traffic calming along the A917 will be a component for each scheme.
Both routes require negotiation with private landowners to allow construction
Neither route will have any street lighting.

There are 2 routes proposed the path highlighted in green along the A917. Is the prefered route for everyday uses and safety.

Shared Use Path along side A917 road entering Anstruther. This route will introduce traffic control measures at the entrance to the town path breaks left into Dreelside Park and straight on through to the Town Centre.

Safety is our key aim.
A917 Route Anstruther to Pittenweem
Here is what Bill said "I'm not a serious Cyclist and I’m afraid to use this road to cycle on, so I use the Southern pavement but that gives me and other users little room to manoeuvre and its so close to the road"
"I would love to have a wider path developed which was safe to use"
SAFETY for all users is our key aim The path proposed will be 2 metres from the Road and 3 metres in width. Same as the successful Kilrenny Path.
The proposed path North of the A917 and supported by the Anstruther CC will add traffic calming measures to the entrances of both communities, including a SAFE pedestrian crossings.

Closer look at the traffic calming measures entering Pittenweem.

Closer look at the traffic calming measures entering Anstruther

Shared Use Path along side A917 road entering Pittenweem. This route will introduce traffic control measures at the entrance to the village. Path breaks right to the core path into and straight on through to the Town Centre.

This Consultation will also show what we are doing to connect Dreelside Park to the Coop and to the Schools.

This Consultation will also show what we are doing to connect Dreelside Park to the Coop and to the Schools.
Achievements so far – but there is more to do –
we will be helping with the output of the
Anstruther Transformation Plan

KILRENNY PATH a working example of a successful path used by everyone. We would like the same on the A917 from Anstruther to Pittenweem.
For any queries or suggestions regarding the Multi Use Path, please contact the community council in the first instance at;